(... article under development)

- Staying in the game

- Multiple lives

- High score table

Look who's talking

So, while this next point should probably logically have been presented at the beginning of this article, I want it to be the last thing you read before you run off and start implementing all of these suggestions. You are going to implement them, right? Ok, for the lunatic fringe of you that will actually agree with and decide to follow my nutty ideas, there is one final point to keep in mind.

Every game consists of two parts: the out-of-game elements (start menu, options screen, credits, high score table, etc.) and the in-game (gameplay) elements. Both of these processes interact with the player but it is very important to remember that they are two very different environments and there should be a clear distinction between the two. Remember that a video game is just like any other entertainment medium in that its primary purpose is to provide an experience for the player. Just like a well written, well acted and well directed movie with high production value, there should be nothing (or as little as possible) to take the player out of the environment of the game once they have started playing. Nothing should be reminding them that they are playing a game. (Like for example presenting a message saying something like "Prepare for level 2").

If you decide to have your game foster a relationship with the player, once the initial settings have been selected it should be the characters in the game rather than the game itself that communicate with the player. The game characters, which may be an evil witch you are trying to defeat, a princess you are trying to rescue (please excuse the lame stereotype), a different boss at the end of every level or even the main character that is being controlled are the ones who should be talking to the player. There is, of course, necessary interaction between the player and the startup menu, options screens and other out-of-game environments but these are separate from the in-game characters. The evil witch knows nothing about the joystick configuration setup or the high score table and doesn't care who designed the sprites. In fact, she doesn't even know she's in a game! And neither should the player - once they start playing. The only time the player should be reminded they are actually playing a game is when they are making configuration changes or viewing things such as the credits screen or other non-gameplay elements. If the player fails a level and needs to restart, instead of the usual lame "game over" or "you died" message or, worse yet, simply popping them back to the beginning of the level with no message at all, why not present them with an alternate scenario. 

Why do games need to have a multiple lives feature at all? People don't have multiple lives and this concept is actually completely foreign to humans. Just because video games have been endowing humans with multiple lives in the video games they play since the dawn of pong, that doesn't make it right or even sensible. If you die... you're dead! Instead, 

As we have already discussed, the in-game characters are more than capable of handling the player interactions between levels by offering encouragement, sympathy, pessimism, or advice. Even after the player has failed and is ready to try again, the in-game characters can offer gameplay evaluations and advice for improving their performance the next time.

The in-game characters should be careful, however, not to use the word "game" in their conversations with the player or say anything that would indicate that they know they are in a game. "Move the joystick up just before reach the platform" should be replaced by "Be sure to jump at the last moment just before you reach the platform".

Of course, the game designer might also decide to blur the lines between in-game and out-of-game elements like minions frolicking with the credits at the end of a Despicable Me movie but that is a decision that should be made deliberately with consideration for the effect it will have on the game.

But it's not my birthdayOne thing that makes games decidedly different from humans is their predictability. Even games with random elements typically behave in a decidedly predictable manner. Why not change things up by occasionally offering the player an unexpected bonus? "The Omnipotent ruler has granted you an extra life" OR "Hey Robert, here's a power potion I smuggled out of the Wizard's laboratory to help you get through the next level". But that's not fair! So? Is the point of game design to achieve fairness? Remember it's entertainment. Many games have random elements that are not fair. Two enemies coming from opposite directions making it impossible to avoid them, a chest containing an explosive instead of gold, etc. Any game that contains random elements by definition provides a constantly changing playing experience that could be argued presents varying degrees of "fairness". This is just not presented to the player in a deliberate and obvious manner with an accompanying message of "Here is something good (or bad)". Even if the game contains no random elements whatsoever (such as a typical platform game with static puzzles, predictable enemy movements and repeating hazard locaitons and behaviour) there is no reason why random elements cannot be introduced between levels. 

If the element presented to the player is good, the player will likely not mind too much and may even welcome the gift which could be extra gold, lives, energy, power, magic, keys, weapons, etc. If you're worried that the player may actually object to being given a random gift, this feature could always be disabled in the options menu or the player could be given the option to deny the gift when it is offered.

Whatever you do, please resist the urge to spoil the surprise by spouting about it in the instruction sheet (which we now agree instructions should be minimal or non existent, correct?) by saying something like "Every now and then you may receive a bonus gift from the magic overlord". When is the last time your best friend gave you a heads up about a surprise birthday party they were planning for you?