Marketing Manager

Remote - SW 244211
As Marketing Manager you are responsible for all initiatives related to customer acquisition and retention.  Reporting to the Brand Manager, you will create and oversee the execution of all activities pertaining to the marketing of the Spriteworx brand and product offerings.

Note: This is a contract position on a volunteer basis with remuneration to be taken in the form of profit sharing, Spriteworx products and promotional items.

  • A passion for online marketing combined with a desire ability to implement new and creative ways to promote the Spriteworx brand
  • Experienced with creating and uploading social media posts
  • Experience using mail marketing services such as AWeber, MailChimp, Drip, Constant Contact, GetResponse, etc. would be an asset
  • Free Spriteworx products and promotional items.
  • Profit sharing.
Warm fuzzy feeling of being a part of something really awesome and helping to bring truly Next-Level entertainment software to the Spectrum Next community.
Duties include:
  • Creating outline briefs for content creators for marketing campaigns
  • Uploading posts to social media including Facebook pages and groups and Instagram
  • Sending out email newsletters
  • Tracking the success rate of marketing efforts
  • Devising and implementing new promotional campaigns
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Video Editor

Remote - 244212
As Video Editor you are responsible for editing all YouTube and other video media content as per the outline briefs. Reporting to the Marketing Manager you will edit video content including adding effects such as pan/zoom, text, animation, graphics and background music. You will be required to design and/or source the appropriate graphic elements, sound effects and background music as needed as well as create thumbnails.

Note: This is a contract position on a volunteer basis with remuneration to be taken in the form of profit sharing, Spriteworx products and promotional items.

  • Experience editing video and adding video and audio effects
  • Must have own video editing software and hardware
  • Experience creating thumbnails and static promotional images
  • Experience adding background music and sound effects
  • Free Spriteworx products and promotional items.
  • Profit sharing.
Warm fuzzy feeling of being a part of something really awesome and helping to bring truly Next-Level entertainment software to the Spectrum Next community.
  • Creating and editing video content from individual clips
  • Adding effects such as pan/zoom, text, animation, graphics and background music
  • Designing and sourcing stock photos, sound effects and background music
  • Creating video thumbnails
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Director of Game Development

Remote - 244213
As Director of Game Development you will be responsible for coordinating all activities related to the creation of Spriteworx games. By giving direction to and working closely with the development team, you will ensure all titles are produced to strict quality standards within established deadlines. While this position facilitates the production of Spriteworx game titles, the creative decisions with regards to individual game elements rest with the designers.

Note: This is a contract position on a volunteer basis with remuneration to be taken in the form of profit sharing, Spriteworx products and promotional items.

  • Prior project management experience
  • A passion for video game development
  • Excellent coordination skills and the ability to manage multiple projects
  • An innate ability to get the most out of team members
  • Free Spriteworx products and promotional items.
  • Profit sharing.
Warm fuzzy feeling of being a part of something really awesome and helping to bring truly Next-Level entertainment software to the Spectrum Next community.
  • Coordinating with designers, coders, artists, audio engineers, music composers and other game production team members
  • Overseeing the design and production of physical game media
  • Arranging for game testing and debugging as needed
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Game Coder (BASIC/Z80 Assembly)

Remote - 244214
As Game Coder you will be responsible for the coding and implementation of all game elements, features and gameplay functions. Reporting to the Director of Game Development, you will create cleat, structured, modular code in BASIC and Z80 Assembly Language with extensive commenting to facilitate debugging.

Note: This is a contract position on a volunteer basis with remuneration to be taken in the form of profit sharing, Spriteworx products and promotional items.

  • Proficient in BASIC and Z80 Assembly language coding
  • Passion for creating clean, modular code with extensive commenting
  • Strong desire and ability to solve programming challenges
  • Continuous learning new programming methods to get the most out of the hardware
  • Free Spriteworx products and promotional items.
  • Profit sharing.
Warm fuzzy feeling of being a part of something really awesome and helping to bring truly Next-Level entertainment software to the Spectrum Next community.
  • Creating game workflows with modular subroutines
  • Testing and debugging gameplay elements
  • Organizing and storing game source and executable files, data and assets
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Content Creator

Remote - 244215
As Content Creator you will be responsible for designing and creating printed promotional content such as advertising promotions, social media content and email marketing newsletters. Reporting to the Marketing Manager you will create and modify all printed content as contained in the outline briefs.

Note: This is a contract position on a volunteer basis with remuneration to be taken in the form of profit sharing, Spriteworx products and promotional items.

  • Passion for creating well laid out printed and graphic promotional elements
  • Excellent written communication skills in English
  • Experience using composition tools for creating promotional materials containing graphics and text for email newsletters and social media posts
  • Free Spriteworx products and promotional items.
  • Profit sharing.
Warm fuzzy feeling of being a part of something really awesome and helping to bring truly Next-Level entertainment software to the Spectrum Next community.
  • Creating game newsletters for email marketing campaigns
  • Designing and creating graphic promotional layouts
  • Sourcing and implementing necessary assets including graphics, images and fonts as necessary
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Game Tester

Remote - 244216
As Game Tester you are part of a team that plays all Spriteworx titles to make sure they are bug-free and super fun to play. Reporting to the Director of Game Development you will be instrumental in maintaining our reputation for delivering only the highest quality games to ensure customer satisfaction.

Note: This is a contract position on a volunteer basis with remuneration to be taken in the form of profit sharing, Spriteworx products and promotional items.

  • Passion for playing retro games
  • Methodical approach for finding and recording bugs, gameplay oddities and game element issues
  • Detail oriented and the ability to accurately describe game faults with clarity, completeness and precision
  • An excellent eye for details
  • Free Spriteworx products and promotional items.
  • Profit sharing.
Warm fuzzy feeling of being a part of something really awesome and helping to bring truly Next-Level entertainment software to the Spectrum Next community.
  • Playing games and recording any and all bugs
  • Making detailed and accurate notes of actions leading up to the issue
  • Replaying game levels repeatedly to test specific features and elements
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Physical Media Fabricator

Remote - 244217
As Physical Media Fabricator you will be responsible for designing and creating the packaging for physical versions of our games. Reporting to the Sales Manager, you will source the physical materials and fabricate them into final products ready for shipping.

Note: This is a contract position on a volunteer basis with remuneration to be taken in the form of profit sharing, Spriteworx products and promotional items.
  • Experience designing and fabricating physical packaging
  • Able to source physical packaging products including media such as SD cards, enclosures and packaging materials
  • Shipping/receiving experience including international deliveries
  • Free Spriteworx products and promotional items.
  • Profit sharing.
Warm fuzzy feeling of being a part of something really awesome and helping to bring truly Next-Level entertainment software to the Spectrum Next community.
  • Creating original physical packaging designs for our games
  • Fabricating physical boxes and enclosures
  • Combining physical media, documentation and other elements for shipping to customers
  • Arranging for shipping and receiving of products and materials
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Sales Manager

Remote - 244218
As Sales Manager you will be responsible for facilitating the purchase of Spriteworx products for our customers. Reporting to the Brand Manager, you will make our products available for sale by download, subscription and physical product delivery. You will handle the process of physically collecting payments for our products and completing product fulfillment to our customers in various currencies and countries as needed.

Note: This is a contract position on a volunteer basis with remuneration to be taken in the form of profit sharing, Spriteworx products and promotional items.

  • Experience providing digital and physical software titles for sale, collecting payments and filling customer orders
  • Ability to find and evaluate new avenues for selling our products
  • Free Spriteworx products and promotional items.
  • Profit sharing.
Warm fuzzy feeling of being a part of something really awesome and helping to bring truly Next-Level entertainment software to the Spectrum Next community.
  • Make Spriteworx products available for sale by digital download and shipping of physical products
  • Manage the tracking of customer payments and subscriptions
  • Respond to customer inquiries regarding purchasing Spriteworx producs
  • Find and evaluate new avenues for selling our products
  • Resolve any issues relating to sales, payments, digital orders and physical deliveries
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Game Designer

Remote - 244219
As Game Designer you will be responsible for designing original innovative and super cool games for the Spriteworx lineup. Reporting to the Director of Game Development you will maintain creative control of your games while working withing established design requirements.

Note: This is a contract position on a volunteer basis with remuneration to be taken in the form of profit sharing, Spriteworx products and promotional items.

  • Experience designing retro games and producing design rundowns and storyboards
  • Experience working as part of a collaborative team
  • Free Spriteworx products and promotional items.
  • Profit sharing.
Warm fuzzy feeling of being a part of something really awesome and helping to bring truly Next-Level entertainment software to the Spectrum Next community.
  • Design original innovative games for the Spriteworx collection of titles.
  • Work as part of a collaborative team to produce high quality fun games that contain required design elements
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Graphic Designer

Remote - 244220
As Graphic Designer you will design static graphic images to be used in games, promotional materials and physical packaging.

Note: This is a contract position on a volunteer basis with remuneration to be taken in the form of profit sharing, Spriteworx products and promotional items.
  • Experience designing original artwork using real-world and digital design tools
  • Experience converting images to digital formats
  • Experience re-formatting images for different resolutions and color palettes.
  • Free Spriteworx products and promotional items.
  • Profit sharing.
Warm fuzzy feeling of being a part of something really awesome and helping to bring truly Next-Level entertainment software to the Spectrum Next community.
  • Creating static images for in-game startup screens, cut scenes, etc.
  • Creating images for promotional items and physical packaging
  • Converting real-world images to digital formats
  • Modifying and editing digital images for varying resolutions and color palettes.
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Pixel Artist

Remote - 244221
As Pixel Artist you will design and create sprites, tiles and other graphics to be used as in-game elements. Reporting to the Director of Game Development, you will be creating the fun and colorful game elements that the players will be viewing, controlling and interacting with.

Note: This is a contract position on a volunteer basis with remuneration to be taken in the form of profit sharing, Spriteworx products and promotional items.
  • Experience designing original pixel graphics including sprites and game tile sets.
  • Experience editing sprites and graphics.
  • Free Spriteworx products and promotional items.
  • Profit sharing.
Warm fuzzy feeling of being a part of something really awesome and helping to bring truly Next-Level entertainment software to the Spectrum Next community.
  • Creating original in-game pixel graphics including sprites and tile sets
  • Creating and modifying various in-game graphics elements and creating alternate copies, with variations for sizes, colors, shading, rotation, etc.
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Audio Engineer

Remote - 244222
As Audio Engineer you will create original in-game music and audio elements to be used a background soundtracks and sound effects. Reporting to the Director of Game Development you will compose required theme music and other audio effects to be used in the gameplay, user interactive screens and promotional materials such as social media posts.

Note: This is a contract position on a volunteer basis with remuneration to be taken in the form of profit sharing, Spriteworx products and promotional items.
  • Experience composing digital music and sound effects.
  • Free Spriteworx products and promotional items.
  • Profit sharing.
Warm fuzzy feeling of being a part of something really awesome and helping to bring truly Next-Level entertainment software to the Spectrum Next community.
  • Creating original music and sound effects to be used in-game and for promotional media posts.
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