What have we got to say for ourselves? Check it out...

Our Game Design Philosophy

Our (not so secret) recipe for creating Next Level games.

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Considering the Player

Showing the player the consideration they deserve.

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Respectful Evolution of a Retro Classic

The Next evolution - did it go too far?

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Innovation in Game Design

The need for novelty in game design.

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Game Design with a Purpose

Evoking emotions in the player.

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Getting the Player Hooked on your Game

Strategies for keeping the gamer addicted and coming back for more.

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The Value (or not) of Video Game Ratings ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The problem with video game ratings and a peek into the Spriteworx game rating philosophy.

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Taking the Gaming Relationship to the Next Level

Developing a bond between game and player.

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Pushing the Limits of Game Design

Taking game design to new heights.

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7 Deadly Sins of Game Design

Creating games without inflicting pain.

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Game Development for Beginners

BASIC vs Assembly language and other considerations for budding Speccy Next game devs.

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Finding your Retro Passion

Easy ways to get involved in the ZX Spectrum scene.

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