Finding your Retro Passion

(... article under development)

Did you grow up in the early days of computing and find that you still have a love of (what has now become) retro gaming (or retro computing)?  Maybe you are interested in becoming involved the Speccy community and would like to test the waters but are not quite sure how to go about it. Whether you are ready to dive in head first or just dip your toe in, we'll take a tour of some of the options available to release your inner Speccy (and/or other) retro gaming demons yearning to be set free.

Come on in, the water's fine

For the most part, the retro gaming/computing community is a very inclusive group of people with a varied degree of backgrounds, interests, talents and experience - and the fans of ZX Spectrum computers are no different. We are a motley assortment of individuals consisting of gamers, programmers, game developers, techno-geeks, adults, kids, teens, regular people and just about anyone else you care to name. In fact, the demographic for retro gaming has no restrictions or qualifications for anyone who cares to join. All we ask (and should expect) is for people to treat each other with respect and have a love of retro computers and/or retro gaming.

Taking the plunge

Just as there is a huge variety of different types of people who share a love of all things ZX Spectrum (and/or Timex/Sinclair), there is an equally huge variety of ways to get involved and become part of the retro Spectrum computing family.

- Using original hardware

- Using emulators

- Playing games

- Joining (and/or starting) Facebook groups

- Joining Discord discussion channels

- Attending retro gaming conventions

- Game development (alone or with others)

- Programming

- Game design

- Sound effects & music

- Graphics

- Writing game reviews

- Starting a Youtube channel

- Hardware design (upgrades, mods, peripherals)

- Reading (and possibly contributing articles to) magazines

If you're feeling a bit overwhelmed, apprehensive or confused about exactly what is the best first step to take in becoming a part of the ZX Spectrum Next community, you've already taken it by reading this article! The "Next" steps, however, are up to you. 😁

- Spriteworx Team.